Thank you for visiting our Advance Reader Copy (ARC) page! To qualify as an advanced reader, please follow these steps:

  1. Fill out the required information below.
  2. You will receive an autoreply telling you “Welcome to the ARC Team”.
  3. You will receive a notification at your email address when the book is available for pre-order.
  4. Pre-order the book and send a screenshot of your pre-order confirmation to
  5. We will send you a PDF of the e-book.
  6. You will have at least three weeks to read the e-book.
  7. After reading, write a short, positive review of the book.
  8. On the launch day, we will send you a link to upload your review. You will also be invited to the book launch event in Arizona (location TBD).
  9. Thank you for helping us make our book a success!
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